where has it gone.
Over the last month and a half:
-I have discovered that some actually read this!
-Celebrated my youngest daughter, Renee's 21st b'day (@ Miller Park).
-Ran into TLoch @ Miller Park (w/100's of other Loch's) that same day. He's looking well (and doing well).
-Saw TVetta 2 days earlier w/JC and Dino @ Miller Park (he's well as well). Highlight? I was called an "old F*CK" multiple times by a twenty-something gal (I think tailgated too long). Amusing!
-Neifi goes to Detroit (and Dtroit starts losing more than winning)!!
- Celebrated Dino's 50th w/MKrause (and new wife), MPusatera (and Melanie), Nels (w/Pam).
About 18 of us (Dino's business partners, as well) had dinner @ Skoozies (right around the corner from MP's 2nd home/condo). Spent an hour on train (w/Dino and Kim) going no where as tornadoes past bye. Thank goodness we had beer with us!!
- The White Sox die a horrible (or fantastically amusing) death!! Maybe the best team on paper lose 10 of 12 (or so) games down the stretch and are knocked out of the playoff hunt with more than a week of baseball left!! What a shame!!
That's it for now (probably too much for any one person to read in one sitting). I will get back at this on a more regular basis.
I have talked to many about getting a golf game together but I have not even picked up a club this year!! It would be the first year that I haven't golfed at all in 20 years!! I'm kinda hopin' to keep it that way.
Please feel free to post a comment so we (me) know you're out there.
The annual Christmas Eve get together will be Sunday this year. Plan accordingly.
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